Posts tagged ‘ethics’

December 8, 2010

In Response to Poppytalk

by heatherkp

Below is the comment I left in response to the latest blog entry over at Poppytalk.  I’ve been following her for a few years now and love how she finds and highlights and supports creative makers.

‘Jan, it certainly has never been simple for artist or truly authentic creators of any kind to keep their work from being ripped off! But, everything happens more quickly with the internet at our fingertips making it so easy to “Spread the wave”. I have to step back and not participate from time to time. I choose very carefully what I will and will not share online, on flickr, on facebook, on twitter, on my blog and soon on my website. This is unfortunate but I think it’s a necessity for anyone creative, you just have to keep a part for yourself and you have to be willing to let other stuff go. In the middle though, there does need to/have to be a way for people who are dedicated to being entrepreneurs! Geeze, life is not a get rich quick scheme people!  Life is about the experiences you make for yourself and those you choose to share with people you care about. That’s it! I’m tired of cheaters looking over my shoulder and looking over the shoulders of my very talented friends! I’m gonna say that again, I’M TIRED OF CHEATERS~WHERE’S THE TEACHER WHEN YOU NEED THEM? What can we do as a creative community to sound off about this? We need to bring a Fever pitch to our voices, together!’

If you are an artist or crafter of any kind please do what you can to stand up for your rights and help educate the media and your customers about copyright infringement.  If every blogger who blogs about creativity floods the web with this subject in a short period it just might be noticed on a larger scale.