Welcome Autumn~Goodbye Summer

by heatherkp


Happy~ I love fall and with the extremely high temps this summer I have already been enjoying the cool evenings and lower humidity.  As I post this though summer is not letting go with temps in the 90’s and high humidity.

There are so many great events in the fall.  I have a lot of personal reasons to love fall such as our wedding anniversary in October and my birthday and Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) in November.

I LOVE the changing leaves and colors of fall, the fall veggie harvests (winter squash, greens, apples, pumpkins etc), Halloween costumes and decorations and warm days and cool nights perfect for campfires.

The practice of nesting inevitably rolls around for me as well at this time of  the year.  It makes me want to cook soup and bake and fill the house with the smells of apples and cinnamon.  I also love to get cozy with a good book or a new knitting project, which for some reason I never am motivated to do in the summer (knit that is).

Sad~Oh how I will miss the long warm relaxing days of summer with the sounds of crickets and birds chirping and the flicker of firefly’s.  I will miss the beach and the pool and fireworks and days that last forever.

I’ll miss the bounty of summer veggies and especially fruits such as peaches, nectarines, melons, plums and berries.  I’ve done a good bit of food preservation this summer to extend the season into the fall and winter.  I just love to pull out some roasted peppers, canned peaches or frozen cherry tomatoes in the dead of winter and taste the sunshine of summer again.

I’ll miss gardens and flowers and being able to sit outside on the deck as I journal each morning or dine al fresco with friends.  Summer is a time of celebrating friendships, relaxation and fun.  It’s a time to recharge your batteries and store up reserves for the long cold months ahead.  As a last hurrah to summer and a great way to welcome in the Autumn we are going  camping this weekend at the beach.  I’m wishing for a weekend that brings the best of both seasons together.

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